tinana / physical wellbeing
Refuel your body: Whakamarohi i to tinana
What is taha tinana?
Taha tinana is about how your body feels and how you care for it. Refuelling your body helps you to feel mentally well. Sometimes your tinana might not be where you’d like it to be and this might be beyond your control. What’s important is that you do what you can to nurture it.
Taha tinana is about how your body feels and how you care for it. Refuelling your body helps you to feel mentally well. Sometimes your tinana might not be where you’d like it to be and this might be beyond your control. What’s important is that you do what you can to nurture it.
Why is taha tinana an important way to wellbeing at mahi/work?
Working to nourish and strengthen your taha tinana will help you to cope with ups and downs at mahi and in life generally. Having good physical wellbeing means you can focus on your mahi and take leadership in helping your hoamahi/colleagues live healthier lives, too.
Working to nourish and strengthen your taha tinana will help you to cope with ups and downs at mahi and in life generally. Having good physical wellbeing means you can focus on your mahi and take leadership in helping your hoamahi/colleagues live healthier lives, too.
Reimagine wellbeing at work/mahi through tinana:
Source: Mental Health Awareness Week website
raise resources
Manage your energy, not just your time (blog - includes energy audit and tips)
Proven de-stressors Self-care and resilience through challenging times |